When wintertime hits Bridgeville, PA, the conditions outdoors can be very tough for people, pets, and plants. Of course, your heating and cooling system isn’t immune to the effects of extreme cold. HVAC systems need the same attention to their protection that most living things require, such as protection from wind, extreme cold, and wintry precipitation. Here are some things you can do to keep winter’s tough conditions from damaging your heating and cooling system.
Protect the Outdoor Unit
Your outdoor unit does a lot of work toward creating warmth for your home. In fact, the components inside the house are mostly just there to set temperature and move the air. The actual heat is generated outside, so the better care you take of the outdoor unit, the better it will perform on the coldest days. That means more than just avoiding breakdowns. It also means having an efficient system that gets your home to the desired temperature quickly without using an excessive amount of electricity or gas to get it done.
The biggest enemy of your outdoor unit is snow. No matter how pretty it looks as you watch from your living room window, it can be a real problem for the heating system that is keeping that living room comfortable for you. Sometimes the flakes are coming down so fast that they accumulate on top of your heat pump without falling through the vented lid. With a little mixed precipitation in there to allow ice to form, this can quickly be a big restriction to the movement of air through the heat pump. When air flow is impeded, the system has to work harder to generate warmth.
There is one tool for prevention and one for correction here. First, if you can provide shelter for your heat pump, that will help a lot, but a word of warning is needed. The unit must have a certain amount of space above it to allow proper air movement, so you can’t just build a tiny shed directly above it. Consult with an expert to determine how much clearance is required, then see what type of covering you can construct that will keep the snow away while still permitting good movement of air. Of course, the strategy for correction is to use a snow shovel or broom to clear snow from the top of the unit.
Clear the Space
It’s not just the top of your unit that needs clear space. It is vital for it to have good circulation on the sides and bottom as well. These are areas that are easy to miss during yard work or cleaning because they’re out of sight. Cleanup can also be a challenge because outdoor units are often in areas where plants grow near them.
Make sure that toys, tools, lumber, and other items are never stored near your outdoor unit. Check on all four sides and underneath to confirm there are no obstructions to air flow. Cut away shrubs, vines, weeds, and tree limbs that are trying to get in the way, and never add sheds, lawn buildings, or other permanent structures too close to your outdoor unit.
Get Regular Service
There is no single action that will help your heat this winter more than this one. Your heating and cooling system is a complex setup composed of countless parts and connections that all need to be clean and in good condition for your heat to work at maximum efficiency. In addition, parts that are starting to have problems can be replaced during a service visit instead of after a midnight breakdown that leaves you shivering until help arrives. An HVAC maintenance plan is the ideal way to keep up.
The technician will be performing a lot of work on your system. This will include cleaning, first and foremost. That means replacing any filters that are old and removing the buildup of dust and dirt from the expensive electrical and electronic components inside the unit. The technician will also check the performance of the system to make sure it is working properly and at the highest possible energy efficiency.
Finally, your system’s checkup will include a check of all components for any issues that could cause a breakdown later. This will allow you to make a decision about when to have work done instead of being caught off guard by an unexpected breakdown. Furthermore, a part that is replaced before it fails is much less likely to damage other components on its way out, so it’s just a much cheaper and more convenient way to find out about upcoming issues.
Seal Your Home
Have you ever tried to blow up a balloon that has a hole in it? It seems like no matter how hard you strain, you can never get much air into it. That’s exactly what it’s like for your heating system when your home is drafty. The more air you have escaping from your home, the harder your system has to work to maintain temperature.
Before winter sets in, you can do some weatherproofing to minimize the load on your system. We all know to check windows and doors for cracks and then caulk them with a suitable product, but there are lots of other places where your warm air can escape as well. Everything from your dryer vent to your outdoor spigots has the potential to let warm air out and let cold air in. Checking those areas for leaks is very beneficial to the stress level on your heating system, so don’t neglect the hard-to-reach areas as you look for places where air is lost.
Go Easy on the Thermostat
When it’s cold outside, we want it warm inside. It’s just human nature to try to get the most out of your central heat. Of course, your heating system has to work much harder during extreme cold to maintain the same temperature that you want during more moderate weather.
There are a number of ways to ease the load on your heating system, but the most obvious is simply to put it at a cooler setting. A couple of degrees can make a big difference in how hard your system has to work. You might also consider dressing a little more warmly while you’re inside the house, and you can capture a little free warmth by leaving the blinds open on sunny days. Whatever strategies you use, just focus on reducing the number of cycles the system has to run.
Reach Out to the Experts
One thing you’ve seen in most of these recommendations is the importance of professional cooling and heating service and maintenance. The team at Coleman Mitchell Heating & Air Conditioning in Bridgeville, PA knows how to prepare your system for the toughest winter weather. We can help with all the cleaning and repairs that it takes to keep your system at peak performance. Our expertise also includes indoor air quality solutions and, when summer is approaching, AC installation and repairs. Give us a call today!